How Our Laws Are Made

Law new is a phrase that has been applied to startups and law firm subsidiaries that are augmenting traditional legal services. Whether the idea for the company is a technology or a way to improve the way business is conducted, the term suggests that these companies are leading the industry in a new direction.

How Our Laws Are Made

The legislative process begins with a policy idea. Those ideas may come from a senator, a constituent or an organization that calls for change. Eventually the proposal becomes a bill. Once the bill is drafted, it is considered in committee. The committee staff writes a report which describes the purpose of the legislation and recommends that it be approved. This report must contain a section-by-section analysis of the bill and include a text of any laws that are being amended or repealed.

When the legislation passes both houses of the Legislature, it is sent to the Governor for signature or veto. If the Governor signs the legislation, it becomes law; if he or she vetoes it, the legislation remains in effect unless two-thirds of both houses vote to override the veto.