Daily News For UPSC Exams

Daily news is the latest news from all over the world. Whether it is about politics, sports or celebrity gossip, daily news has it all for you. It is the only newspaper which covers all major events happening in India as well as in the world. It also has in-depth analysis and articles which are important from UPSC exam perspective. This page also includes latest updates on the Indian economy. This includes stock market updates, GDP growth, inflation and more. It also covers government initiatives like Make in India, Digital India, Start up India etc.

The New York Daily News (often abbreviated as the Daily News) is an American tabloid newspaper founded in 1919. It was the first successful daily tabloid in the United States and was once the largest newspaper in the country, with a peak circulation of more than 2.5 million copies a day. The News is owned by the Tribune Company of Chicago, and was originally known as the Illustrated Daily News.

Unlike the more staid and academic Chicago Tribune, the Daily News was not afraid to step outside the boundaries of acceptable journalism, in order to attract readers with sensational stories of crime, scandal, and violence and with lurid photographs. The paper also used large headlines and cartoons to entice its readership. The News was a success from the start and by the end of the Roaring Twenties had become the nation’s biggest newspaper.

By the 1980s, however, the Daily News was struggling. In an attempt to save money, it yielded to union demands over rules and job numbers. The result was a costly strike that lasted for over 147 days. Ultimately, the strike cost the Daily News more than $100 million.

In the 1990s, the Daily News started to change its image. Under the leadership of editor-in-chief Pete Hamill and later Debby Krenek, the News began to emphasize human interest stories as well as its traditional hard news coverage. The News gained a reputation for its defense of the First Amendment and the rights of New York City residents, especially those perceived as being without voice in society, earning it two Pulitzer Prizes in 1996 for E.R. Shipp’s pieces on welfare and race and again in 1998 for Mike McAlary’s coverage of police brutality against Haitian immigrant Abner Louima.

Today, the Daily News remains a respected and influential source of national and international news and opinion. Its award-winning writers, columnists and opinion formers provide comprehensive national and local news and analysis, as well as New York City exclusives. The Daily News is also famous for its sports coverage, particularly of the New York Yankees, Mets, and Jets. In addition to its daily newspaper, the Daily News also offers a variety of online and mobile news services. The paper is based in the historic Art Deco Daily News Building at 220 East 42nd Street, an official city and national landmark designed by architects John Mead Howells and Raymond Hood, now known as Manhattan West.