Death of the Daily News

daily news

In its 20th-century heyday, the Daily News was a brawny metro tabloid that thrived when it dug into crime and corruption. Its investigative work spawned the tabloid depicted in the 1994 movie, The Paper, and it won Pulitzer Prizes in commentary and feature writing. Today, the News is a much softer beast, but it is still one of the most widely read newspapers in the United States and remains influential, with a strong reader base among New Yorkers and other urban dwellers who value local journalism. It is the ninth largest daily newspaper in the country. The News is owned by tronc, which also publishes the Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune.

In a city that’s been wracked by political corruption and terrorism, it’s a dangerous world out there for journalists. And many local newspapers are struggling to find a way to survive in this changing media landscape.

Whether it’s the looming closure of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the rash of suicides at the Boston Globe or the decision by a court to stop investigating a sexual assault case, the future of local journalism is being called into question as never before. In Death of the Daily News, Andrew Conte examines what happens when a town’s newspaper dies and how some people are trying to build a different kind.

While anyone can write for the Yale Daily News, the newspaper prefers submissions that make a defensible argument using credible evidence and address issues of importance to the Yale/New Haven community. Submissions should be clearly written, and editors reserve the right to edit articles for length, tone or content.

In its heyday, the Daily News was renowned for its large and prominent photographs, for intense city news coverage, celebrity gossip and classified ads, for its cartoons, and for a sports section that rivaled that of the New York Yankees. In the early 21st century, it struggled to keep up with its more sensational competitor, the New York Post, but it remained one of the country’s top-selling dailies even as its circulation declined.

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